Introducing the New Unified CodeTogether: Enhanced Features and Streamlined Plans!
The CodeTogether Intelligence Suite revolutionizes the software development landscape by providing unparalleled insights that drive outcome-driven results.
Introducing the New Unified CodeTogether: Enhanced Features and Streamlined Plans!
We’re excited to announce that in December 2024, CodeTogether Live and the CodeTogether Intelligence Suite will merge into a single, unified platform, bringing you enhanced real-time collaboration and insight-driven development. This evolution is designed to provide you with comprehensive insights and tools that empower your development teams to deliver high-quality software efficiently and effectively. While CodeTogether Live will remain available as a free plugin, we’ve streamlined our plan structure and added value across all tiers.
What Does the Intelligence Suite Bring to Your Team?
The CodeTogether Intelligence Suite revolutionizes the software development landscape by providing unparalleled insights that drive outcome-driven results. Moving beyond traditional metrics, this powerful suite combines automated data collection, deep analysis, and actionable intelligence to deliver full life cycle visibility and foster continuous improvement across your development teams.
Supercharge Developer Productivity
Optimize your development processes to enhance team efficiency and output quality.
- Gain a clear view of productivity with detailed metrics that capture not just outcomes, but the journey behind each task.
- Spot inefficiencies before they impact progress, allowing teams to optimize workflows and foster collaboration.

Accelerate On-Time Software Delivery
Ensure your team stays aligned and delivers quality software on time, every time, with real-time insights and collaboration tools.
- Track project progress in real time to avoid delays and keep development on schedule.
- Promote effortless collaboration with integrated discussions and updates, making the invisible visible.

Mitigate Risks for Smarter Development
Identify and address potential risks early in the development process, ensuring smoother project execution and higher quality outcomes.
- Leverage real-time data to uncover potential issues before they impact delivery timelines.
- Assess the potential impact of identified risks, enabling better-informed decision-making.

How Will This Affect Existing CodeTogether Live Users?
We’ve restructured plans to enhance your CodeTogether experience, adding robust new features across all tiers. Here’s an overview of what the changes mean for current CodeTogether Live users.
Free Plan Users
Enhanced Features: Free users will now enjoy session lengths and participant limits previously exclusive to the Pro plan, including unlimited live coding sessions with up to 50 guests.
Action Required: None. The enhanced Free plan will be available automatically, at no cost. Continue enjoying CodeTogether for collaborative coding, and if you’d like to explore more productivity-enhancing features, check out the product tour or start a free trial to experience the full suite.
Pro Plan Users
New Pricing: Pro users will transition to the Free plan and will no longer incur charges for their current level of use. The current functionality will remain available at no additional cost.
Action Required: None. All auto-billing will be discontinued automatically, with no action required on your part. Continue using CodeTogether for seamless team collaboration, and if you’re interested in expanding capabilities, explore our product tour or start a free trial for the full platform experience.
Teams Users
Enhanced Features: Teams customers will automatically transition to the new CodeTogether platform. Alongside all existing features, you’ll receive comprehensive access to the CodeTogether Intelligence Suite.
Exploration Period: Teams customers will continue to have access to the full CodeTogether suite for six months, or until their contract expires—whichever is longer—to try out these powerful new tools. Check out the product tour tour to discover more.
Action Required: None. You’ll be seamlessly transitioned to the full CodeTogether platform.
On-Premises Users
Your account representative will reach out to you for assistance with transitioning to the new CodeTogether platform.
New Pricing Structure
Discover flexible plans designed to grow with your team, whether you’re just starting or need enterprise-level support.
Experience It Yourself
Explore our product tour to discover how the CodeTogether Intelligence Suite transforms development data into actionable insights that drive quality software delivery—on time and within budget.
Questions? We’re Here to Help!
If you have any questions about these changes, please Contact Us. We’re here to ensure a smooth and valuable transition for you and your team. Thank you for being a part of the CodeTogether community—exciting times are ahead!
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CodeTogether integrates directly into your existing process so there's no need to change the way you work.